A few words
About Me
Picking Up the Pieces
Vanessa has been blessed with the strength to speak and own her truth. She was acknowledged for her boldness in sharing her story of experiencing unspeakable trauma, in which many have cast her out, not knowing the history of her doing the work in healing from things that left many muted. She’s determined to help those who remain stuck in facing past trauma that still holds a bandaid but still leaks.
Vanessa is a Certified Life and Mindset Coach who digs deep into pulling up and out the unresolved issues that are causing you to continuously experience turmoil versus creating a place of peace.
She’s also a soul snatching speaker who allows God to speak into your soul in order to shake up something in order for you to move.
Vanessa Canteberry is a 9 times best-selling author. She is the founder of the self-publishing company, InspiredByVanessa, and the author of several books such as Breaking the Cycle of Brokenness, Do I Not Matter, and many more. Her books have been featured in various publications, including His Favor Magazine.
Breaking Barriers Unapologetically is on a mission to bring forth healing and wholeness, as long as you are willing to dig deep.
If you are seeking no-sugar-coating, upfront guidance into your healing, Vanessa is the person you want to connect with as she has the heart of a servant leader.
Breaking Barriers Unapologetically is by any means necessary. If that means taking your peace and power by force in order to break generational curses, then the time is now. Once household at a time.
Stepping Stones
- Survivor of being raped starting at 8
- Survivor of being a teen mom
- Survivor of Domestic Violence
- Survivor of Grieving a non-existence relationship with parents
- Survivor of Emotional, Mental & Verbal Abuse
- Survivor of Divorcing of a complete stranger who I thought I knew
- Self Published Author of 10 Best Selling Books
- Powerhouse Speaker & Mindset Coach
- First Generation Curse Breaker in life and business
- Created a village for healing at the Breaking Barriers Unapologetically Conference
- Helped others to share their story