You owe it to yourself to create a legacy with your name on it.​

Breaking Barriers Unapologetically

By Any Means Necessary!
About Me

It starts and ends with you breaking the barriers that are holding you back!

Remember, breaking barriers is rarely easy. It often requires courage, resilience, and a willingness to face both internal and external challenges. But the rewards can be immense, from personal growth and fulfillment to making a positive impact on the world around you.

So, tell me more about the barriers you want to break, and let’s explore how you can achieve them unapologetically!

Professional barriers
Climbing the corporate ladder, starting your own business, or pursuing a career traditionally out of reach for certain groups.
Creative Barriers
Pushing boundaries in art, music, literature, or any other form of expression.
Personal barriers
Overcoming self-doubt, fear, or limiting beliefs to achieve your full potential.
Come join ME
“Breaking barriers unapologetically” is a powerful phrase that carries a lot of weight. It speaks to a strong sense of purpose, a commitment to progress, and a refusal to be limited by expectations or outdated norms.

All My Books

Frequently, we blame our parents on the outcome of our lives but are not willing to accept that our parents did the best they could with what they had in parenting. At the same time, our parents’ pain and brokenness did not start with just them, it began before them and, for some reason, they were unfamiliar with the broken cycle they carried. Picking up a broken baton can be heavy to have, but it’s possible. 

Having no direction and having the courage to dive deep into the family tree to study pathology led me on a mission to deconstruct behavior that was consuming me to conform to the dysfunctional pattern placed in front of me. 

I had to take a step back to study my behavior, owning the pattern, and permitting myself to do the work on myself for my legacy to have a better chance than what I experienced. You do better and take the necessary steps to activate your faith when you know better.

Many times, I prayed to be accepted as the person God anointed me to be and to equip me with the ability to make a difference. However, there is a price you have to pay, and the pain you endure places you in a position to want to quit. At least that is what it seems like: a setup to stay in mediocrity. 

Once I accepted the tunnel was in a dark, cold, and wet place, I still wanted to push myself to the limit of completing the assignment that I knew I could finish. Because all I knew was disappointment, abandonment, abuse, neglect and the list goes on and on. However, it was up to me to place all bets on me to go in a direction that many are afraid of going to save myself from self-destruction yet once again. 

Want to make a difference?
Are you facing barriers in your life and/or business that are preventing you from moving forward with your purpose?